A resounding word I have received in my times of prayer and also when I have been just going about normal business is, “Prepare for war.” I have been hearing this regularly for the past six to eight months.
When I sought The Lord for further information, He said, “It is both spiritual and natural.”
There is a war in the spirit realm and there will be a literal “hot war” in the natural realm.
Recently, there have been confirmed reports of Russian and other foreign troops training in the US. Foreign military forces have also been building up in South America and near Alaska. These are labeled as war game type exercises, but we know they are preparing for something. God highlighted to me that these reports should be like alarms bells going off shouting, “Wake up! Pay attention and seek Me now!!!”
By October 1st, if there is no intervention, Obama will be turning over U.S. control over the Internet to the United Nations. This has unknown consequences, but it is a big step closer to global censorship, which is a big deal when it comes to alternative media, reporting truth and freedom of speech. In any type of government crackdown, martial law, or war scenario, one of the first things that is attacked or censored is our communications. We should see this as a warning sign.
Lastly, God had me read Dr. Patricia Green’s prophecy from last year. He then reminded me of a dream He gave me in February 2016 about a coming invasion. I was given confirmation of my dream and her word regarding a coming war.
Please do not receive this as just trying to provoke or promote fear because that is not the purpose. We are creatures of habit and for the most part we follow the path of least resistance. We have our routines, our responsibilities, and our priorities. As good as those things can be, they can also be a trap stopping us from breaking out of what we need to do to prepare both in the spirit and in the natural. History has shown these things seem to happen suddenly, but upon closer examination they often have many warning signs that people either did not see nor respond to. We are in a similar time now. There is a semblance of normalcy, but warnings are sounding in both the spiritual and natural.
We are not immune to making the same mistake others in the past have made regarding these types of scenarios. Knowing this, we should deliberately break the cycle of normalcy and routine and move into a mode of controlled deliberate focus. God will be faithful to meet us in the Secret Place if we are willing to discipline ourselves enough to ask Him for His Grace to be poured upon us.
This is a very important time and God wants us to put many important things aside, which might include really good things, even ministry opportunities, so we can seek Him alone. We will not regret spending our time with Him now because He alone is the only one who can prepare us for the days ahead. There are things we will all need to settle between just Him and ourselves, which can only be done in that place of intimacy and trust. Grace and Peace in Jesus Name.
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