Sunday, November 20, 2016

Muslim Leader Miraculously Raised from the Dead and Converted

A Muslim Imam was miraculously raised from the dead and converted to Christianity after having a vision of Jesus. reports that Munaf Ali (name changed for security reasons) was an influential religious leader in the Middle East.

While he was walking home one day, he suddenly lost consciousness, fell to the ground, and was found dead by his family.
While his body remained lifeless, however, Munaf Ali had a vision of good and evil.
He shared that he saw demons coming to take his soul away. "Get lost, you cursed demons of Allah. You have no right to take my soul!" he shouted at them. One of the demons spoke to him, saying, "No. It's our right to take your life. And you will be with us."
It was then that Jesus appeared with a group of angels and drove the demons away.
Munaf Ali then heard Jesus talk to him:  "Listen, my son. First Adam disobeyed God and sinned against Him under Satan's influence. I am the second Adam, the Word of God and the Messiah Jesus, Son of the Most High. I was born of the virgin Mary, as a sinless Son of Man to redeem Adam and all of his descendants including you from sin and death."
Jesus continued, according to Munaf Ali’s vision: "I was crucified and died as a ransom for all your sins to make you a child of God and citizen of heaven. I was raised from the dead and opened the gates of heaven to bring you back to eternal glory. Have faith in me and be my witness. I give your life back, for I have the authority of giving life."
Then, to the shock of his family, Munaf Ali awoke. He immediately gave his life to Christ and told his family about what he saw. His family believed him and also became Christians.
After this miraculous event, Munaf Ali became a fervent follower of Christ, so much so that the community he once led now persecuted him so intensely that he and his family were forced to leave their home.

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