Friday, November 18, 2016

Anti-Religion Leader Taunts Politicians Who Pray

A Wisconsin state representative has been told by the Freedom From Religion Foundation to move his prayer meetings out of the state Capitol.
Rep. Paul Tittl has been holding weekly Bible study sessions in his state Capitol office for the past three years.
But FFRF co-founder Annie Laurie Gaylor wants Tittl to stop the Bible sessions, and even taunts him for praying.
"Our message to pious politicians is: Get off your knees and get to work. The answers will not come from above. Nothing fails like prayer," Gaylor wrote in a letter.
The demand from the FFRF comes despite the fact that praying before legislative session days and religious displays in the Wisconsin Capitol rotunda have been upheld as legal.
Tittl describes himself as a follower of the Evangelical Free denomination, which teaches that the Bible is without error. Anywhere from four to a dozen legislators from both parties typically attend his meetings, including Catholic, Jewish, Methodist and evangelical lawmakers, he said.
"Faith is a huge part of my life," Tittl said. "It doesn't stop because I come to the state Capitol."
Democratic Rep. Jonathan Brostoff, who is Jewish, said he regularly attends Tittl's sessions because they offer a glimpse into other religions and a chance to connect personally with other legislators.
He said he doesn't see any problem with holding the meetings in Tittl's office because the sessions don't favor one religion.
Howard Schweber, a University of Wisconsin-Madison political scientist who specializes in constitutional law, echoed that sentiment, saying he too doesn't see any problem with the sessions.
The meetings are voluntary and Tittl has taken steps to make sure his staff isn't forced to attend, Schweber said.
Praying openly is common in the Capitol. The Senate and Assembly begin floor debates with a prayer, delivered either by a minister, some other religious figure or even a lawmaker.
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2014 that such pre-session prayers are constitutional.

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