Sunday, November 27, 2016

Unbelievable You Won’t Believe What The White House Just Did !


Never Before has Freedom and America been under such attack as it is by the NAZI’s we now find in power. THey never rest so we must always be ready to fight. The Price of Freedom is to be forever Vigilante and alway on the attack against those who would steal it.

The Presidential handlers in the White House have called for 5 things to occur over the next 54 days that would destroy this freedom::

1) First – a election recall. The Clinton’s have funneled  millions upon of dollars to Jill Stein, who is now using the money to demand a recount of votes in Wisconsin.

Jill Stein – as you recall was the Green Party Communist (NAZI) Presidential Candidate.

(((Lennin – “The difference between Communism and Fascism is the speed at which you get there……. Both create Dictators with the illusion of a Free Vote.”)))

If you or I transferred $2 or $3 Million to each other the IRS and FBI would be at our front door, right?

With the transfers of millions from Mitt Romney top the owner of GoDaddy to Rosie Pig O’Donnell to Harpo productions to make a Fake Film trashing Donald Trump’s 10 year old son – there were no questions by the IRS. FBI, Homeland Security, SEC, etc.

With the over $5 Million dollars of transfers to Jill Stein to demand an Illegal recount in Wisconsin where, again, are these organizations like the IRS and FBI?

So it appears that someone in the White House is allowing all of these illegal activities by not using his “Departments” he controls under USC 5, sections 101-105, to question these illegal activities, right?

So it appears that President Obama and his handlers (Advisors) are now also guilty of Money Laundering and Treason.

If the recount is illegally allowed – after the votes have already been certified – then 2 things will occur:

First – if Governor of Wisconsin (Scott Walker) does not step in to arrest Jill Stein and those conducting this Illegal Recount for Treason then he and his wife will be replaced by a double by June. What happens to them after he and his wife are replaced is not our concern.

2) Second – the Wisconsin Secretary of State may place a warrant out for the arrest of those interfering with an already certified vote and have the Governor arrested for Treason – USC 18 and Wisconsin laws duplicating Federal Laws.

If the Secretary of State is not capable of growing some stones below the belt then he and his family will face similar consequences.

Is that perfectly clear?

Both of these Officials – the Governor and Secretary of State –  may also file in State Court cases to recount the vote after the 20th of January through “Continuances.”

This is the same for any other Gutless Governor that decides to step up and commit Treason.

You are playing in the Big Boy Court now Governors and your choices have consequences you did not count on. This is not business as usual – adapt.

My job is to save lives and all I can do is pass along what I have been told.

Please pray for these two officials that they stop the illegal recount immediately.

3) Third while we were all asleep Iran had been loosing “Nuclear Devices” for years.

I got involved with Iran way back in 2007 when we tried to contact the US Ambassador about 2 Nuclear Rods being sold to Iran for $65 Million – stolen from the Chernoble Nuclear Reactors. The US Ambassador refused to have anyone at the embassy meet with us – he was one arrogant dude – like all US Ambassador’s.

There is enough Nuclear material floating around the Ukraine – thanks to the current US Ambassador to the Ukraine’s Arrogance – to destroy at least 100 cities if properly deployed.

These are US Nuclear Rods being forced onto  the Ukraine by the US State Department and the Current US Nuclear security in the Ukraine does not exist.

The price of a New Stolen US Moxie Rod in the Ukraine is one to two million dollars and contains 40 pounds of Nuclear Materials.

The price of a New US Nuclear Rod in the Ukraine is less than a million dollars at the current time.

Transporting it across the boarder or though the Black Sea out into the Ukraine is very, very low.

So now we have yet another story about US Nuclear rods going missing in Iran. I believe the count stands at 14 known missing New Nuclear Rods since 2008.

4) Fourth – While we were in bed Congress passed the Syrian No Fly Zone to ensure Nuclear War in Syria. Of Course – if this begins it means by by Planet Earth due to over 130 Nuclear Weapons currently planted in the Earth – each one would split this planet up like a piece of glass being dropped of the top of the Empire State Building.

Yup – HR 5732 – passed while we all watched the TV and slept, was passed.

HR 5732 – the “Ceasar  Syria Civilian Protection Act”  clearly states in Section 303: “Assessment of potential effectiveness of and requirements for the establishment of a safe zones or no fly zone in Syria.”

There were 89 Cosponsors of the Bill in the House of Representatives.

It has yet to pass through the Senate or be signed by the President

General Dunford was Double Crossed by a bunch of Congressman.

5) Finally – in a last ditch attempt to  stay alive and keep ads going on their dying sites, the Main Stream Media – led by Go Daddy and Mitt Romney – have literally declared war on the Alternate Media

Remember – the Satanic Fascist NAZIs never sleep – so we must always be in prayer.

Keep in mind that newspapers like the Wall Street Journal – boasting 2.4 Million Subscribers – only has about 400,000 paid subscribers. The rest are given away like trash to keep up their advertiser payments.

Since the election the ratings of CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and PMSNBC news have fallen so low that it literally scares these news agencies.

FOX is at least trying to tell the truth – but they are just not there yet.

So desperate are these Main Stream Media News Broadcasters that Go Daddy has put out a Hit List of what they call Fake Russian Sponsored News – we saw on yesterday’s video.

Funny thing about this is before Godaddy started hiding their own from the public about these web sites we were able to determine that many of these Websites listed are not only hosted by GoDaddy they are also paid for by US Military Contractors.  We did several TV stories on this on Channel 23 and 77 in Seattle way back in 2010 and 2011.

Again – Alex Jones Prison Planet is paid for by Skunk Works Productions, which is powered by Lockheed Martin -which runs the US Secrete Space Program. So Go Daddy is treading on very thin ice in their lies.

So – in essence – GoDaddy is lying and open not only open to Law Suits by to arrest for slander and Treason as some of these sites helped stop a Nuclear WW3.

So either General Dunford and his US Navy Chief  Admiral John Richardson  grow some – well – intestinal fortitude – and begin the arrests of those who are currently committing treason or they risk loosing Planet Earth because they are cowards.

Please pray that those who run this planet stop this insane recount in Wisconsin or expose the fact that 90% of the Hillary Votes were Fake and begin arresting those who falsified the votes.

Please also pray for your families as these bankers have now put nations like Venezuela, Egypt and India in total turmoil and it may come to America.

I spoke with a man yesterday in Liverpool England who went In for a procedure and a Doctor form Iraq purposely infected him with Morgellons Disease.

I have heard similar story is from around the globe.

The most common story I hear almost daily by email or on the phone is that someone took their mom or dad into the hospital, they get a series of shots, and died within a week. Lloyds of London then pays the Hospital a cool $1 Million if they are over 60. It is, of course, funneled into the Hospital or Respice through Grants.

This is why we pray and try and avoid Hospitals at all costs and eat what we recommend.

Uncle Harry’s Essential Oils,
Sea Weed from Main
Non GMO foods like Food For Liberty,
Get The Tea’s Life Change Tea,


The news You Need

Dr William B. Mount




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