Wednesday, May 31, 2017

‘Miracle Boy’ Survives after Nine Minutes Underwater

In what's being called a "miracle," a 4-year-old boy in England is expected to make a full recovery after falling into a swimming pool and being underwater for nine minutes. 
John-Henry Birtle and his parents were on vacation when he was discovered at the bottom of a hotel pool.
His mother, Roseann, jumped in and pulled him out. The Newark Advertiser reports a hotel staff member gave the boy CPR for 20 minutes before he had a pulse. 
Roseann told the newspaper that her son went without oxygen for 28 minutes.
"For those 28 minutes he was gone," she said. "Doctors said he won't have a good quality of life, he would not walk or talk or be able to recognize us, but he proved them all wrong and actually walked out of hospital five weeks later."
"We were praying the whole time the lady was giving him CPR, and I had faith that God was going to heal him. He is my miracle boy," Roseann continued.
The Newark Advertiser reports that after the February incident, John-Henry was on life support for 13 days before being transferred to another hospital for specialized treatment.
"All the clinical staff, the nurses, speech therapists, the physio team and occupational therapy team have been absolutely fantastic," Roseann said. 

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